
The King of the Road

Well , guess what , I know what you think . You must imagine muscle cars with their 5000 cc machines . Thundering sound bursts out from their exhaust . A masculine look of their faces challenge other cars to race on the road . 

In Bogor , there are two Kings on the road and one of them is like the below picture

Don't laugh but in the roads of Bogor , they are the Kings . They act like kings , stopping whereever they like , turning without giving a sign , dismissing a red light . It doesn't matter other road users protest because the kings don't have to hear whatever shouted to them . They conquer the roads and pick up passangers as if it was their prerogative . The normal rules are not their concern because they have their own rules . Somehow they consider themselves attributed with all of these rights and laws resistance

No , they don't have 5000 cc machines . Their faces somehow look quite pretty than fierce . No Mustang ,  Ferrari , Jaguar emblem are attached and only the "S" of Suzuki but it doesn;t reduce the fact that even the most expensive cars in Bogor will step aside and make way for them when they meet face to face .

Anyway the picture is one of Bogor's citys transporation (called by Angkot) . More than 3,400 angkot crawl the roads in Bogor everyday and act as the rulers of the roads. They travel to all directions claiming for their 'encumbrances' (passangers) , neglecting almost all rules .

It's a pleasure to introduce the Kings of the Bogor's Roads

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About Anton Ardyanto

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